Kyle Kover

  • Where in Korver’s essay do you see strong ties at work? Weak ties?

Kyle’s weak ties are the fans and the other players who agree with him but choose not to speak out like he did. Kyle’s strong ties are his teammates and the organization he plays and his platform.

  • What social habits is Korver working to shed? Which is he working to acquire?            He is trying to shed his personal habit of when Thabo got in trouble to immediately ask himself “what was Thabo doing out at a club on a back-to-back??” Instead of wanting to ask himself if his friend is ok and if he did anything wrong or needs help.  He wants to acquire a sense of responsibility in the world and to have people be held more accountable to what they are doing and saying. 


  • How is he going about doing this habit-changing work? In what ways are his strong and weak ties helping him in his work to change?           

It’s changing his work in a way where he puts a lot of others first and makes into a problem to be fixed by the people.  His strong ties are helping by speaking up and addressing the issues after games and to hold the talks like the Jazz do. His weak ties keep sharing the information across to like a global scale so everyone knows what happened to Russ.

  • How would sociologist Doug McAdam (discussed in Duhigg) explain Korver’s first reaction to the news that NYC police had arrested his teammate, Thabo Sefolosha, and broken his leg?

His first reaction was to ask why instead how and what. He immediately blamed Thabo before he even the new story and what Thabo did in the club that day and Kover said right away that if that was me at the club I would’ve been perfectly fine and I would’ve never got arrested or anything close to what happened to Thabo.  He was upset and also devastated because Thabo was more then a teammate to him and more than just a guy he works with. He says him and Thabo became “legitimate friends that year in our downtime”.  So this meant something to Kyle.

Civil right question

why social change movements fail (and why people persist in their ways even when they want change).

Some social movements fail due to the fact that somethings get shut down right away and the ideas of how fast someone in a position of power can stop something is incredible. Some of the start because of the social habits of friendship and the strong ties between close acquaintances. It can grow because of the habits of a community, and the weak ties that hold neighborhoods and clans together. It also endures because a movement’s leaders give participants new habits that create a fresh sense of identity and a feeling of ownership.  Most of them fail because they don’t have the same meanings and the type of stuff that was happening during Rosa Parks time. The only reason why this one worked was because the relationships she made everyone and the whole community knows that she would do anything for them and she needed them so they went to help her. So this ultimately the only one that’s successfully worked.

Trump Questions

  • How do economics shape the feelings and thinking of the people Hochschild profiles, especially their feelings and thinking about race, immigration, welfare, and other political issues?

Economics plays a big part in the way people view and feel about race and immigration, welfare, and political issues due to the fact that they have more money they believe that they are more superior to other people because that they can buy there views. Along with spend the money in order to get what they want.

  • Do you recognize any elements of the “Deep Story of Personal Protectionism” in the Whiteness Project videos we’ve been analyzing? If so, describe and explain at least two of them, being sure to indicate who is saying what and how prevalent each element is in our spreadsheet. Are there any other “Deep Stories” at play in the Whiteness Project videos? If so, what would you call them?

The deep story of whiteness the one that relates to the deep stories is the one with the football players it relates to the article by stating that white players are known or always said to be more intelligent its like how the article said that white people are more intelligent then black.  Along with that more money you have the better off you are.

How does the gap between male lives at the top and male lives at the bottom relate to the idea (from “The Invention of Race”) that US slavery depended on a multi-class coalition of whiteness?

It relates to the invention of race in a way like the people have had to work harded if they have less money so the people at the bottom are kind of always looked down upon because they may not have had what others have. In the Invention of Race it says that people have had to work for what they want in life and so do the people at the bottom.

The end of race questions.

  1. The future of the academics is bright in there view because they have a lot of new systems in place for the kids along with all different cultures and mixed races causing the schooling to be more diverse and not like every other school. They have been basing these visions on the way that the kids are improving themselves with the way that they are challenging them.
  2.  The implications of ethnic thinking it causes you to think very one dimensional and not focus on the bigger picture they focus on one thing only and instead of being diverse about there views.
  3. why is it hard to answer the question “Exactly who is native Hawaiian?” It is so hard to answer the question due to how many different mixed families there are in Hawaii. In the reading on paragraph 40 they say that it couldn’t be found out due to the mix of Samoan or Filipino ancestors.
  4.  For race it has no basis the way that race stays around in this world is because of the people who hate other people just because of a trait or feature they have or even just they way they talk. Race is only thing due to arrogant who hate others that aren’t like him or aren’t what they like or what them to be the world is competition and everyone’s got to be better then someone so they create racism.

What would it take for there to be an end to racism?

For there to be an end to racism a lot would have to happen in this world. If they wanted it completely gone there would have to be some extreme measures put in place for instance that everyone gets treated the same no matter what and that it would have to be a crime to dislike someone based on skin color, religion or anything of that matter.  Personally I believe that it will never end because even if we resolve most of the issues around racism there will always be hidden groups who will protest or don’t believe in it, for example when they KKK was around after black and whites were given equal rights they found a way in order to make the old laws come back in a way of hurting black people in order to get there point across and what they believed in. In this world there is always going to be racism but if they wanted to wipe it out completely there would be an extreme change to everything in the world around us.

I just wanna be average questions

question two. When Rose is talking about his neighborhood he is stating how poor it is and when he moved in it was really sketchy.  He says “a city that was warm, verdant, vast, and indifferent as a starlet in a sports car.” He is trying to say that it’s just a bunch of people trying to live the California life style of big money, nice cars, nice cars, and everything in life. in comparison to coates life is a big difference in coates town of Baltimore it is always sketchy and has a lot of crime and its always gun violence and stuff like that and where he went had a little of it but not as much as coates.

3.  when he says that he means all that is a nice fairy tale like its a good dream to think that life is all sunshine and happiness and then he realized that the world is nothing like everyone says and when he found those people he realized the world is really messed up.

Between the world and me questions.

  1. on page 11 when he is talking about his dream he is saying in his dream “there is perfect houses with nice lawns. It is Memorial Day cookouts, block associations, and driveways. The dream is treehouses and cub scouts….. when he is talking about the American dream he wants everyone to be happy and to be able to live together happily.  Also from other places in the reading like on page 12 he says that this country is lost in the dream meaning that no one knows how to treat anyone right and also it is not good.
  2. Coates says the destruction of black bodies on page 12 by saying ” I tell you now that the question of how one should live within a black body, within a country lost in the Dream, is the question of my life….” this quote shows that how hard it is to live in this world when everyone is hung up on the dream and wanting everything to be perfect.
    1. When Coates says this he means that race is the reason why we have racism because it separates people into different groups so it causes people to form a dislike for other people due to there race. This is different from other readings because the other readings were looking at how racism would effect people and not how it corelates to race.  He wants readers to understand this because kids and others would grow up hoping and wishing they could be white so that racism wouldn’t be a problem.  Also that racism is not just based upon the color of your skin it can be for almost anything about a person.


  1. In his childhood he had to worry about getting beat up or having to not get shot and try to fit in with everyone else so he wasn’t separated from everyone else.  with the little white boy he had a gun in order to keep himself safe but he couldn’t pull the trigger due to his fear of getting in trouble. the logic was because he was really mad at the people and what they had said to him, he needed to control the anger he had in order to keep himself from getting in trouble.
  2. some of the rules of the street are to not be separated from everyone you have to be a part of the gang or in a hood in order to keep yourself out of trouble. The toughness is that you need to keep yourself out of trouble but its to hard to do that with the gangs and violence. The American dream is that everyone gets along and has good houses with some cookouts and stuff but that’s not at all what they have.
  3. his son’s may or may not experience what he went through because times have changed a little bit not so much to the point where there is no more gangs and violence but there may not be as much as there used to be. so the kids good experience it if they go into the bad parts of the city and if they stay away from the bad parts they’ll be perfectly fine.

paradigm essay

With the way that Yoshino says that ” it is much more sympathetic to “liberty” claims about freedoms we all hold than to “equality” claims asserted by a subset of the population. It is easy to see why. Equality claims- such as group based accommodation claims- inevitably involve the Court in picking favorites among groups.” Yoshino believes that the equality paradigm is better due to the fact that it allows him to show his true self and also being able to show it in public without being judged. “ In practice, I expect the liberty paradigm to protect the authentic self better than the equality paradigm. While it need not to do so, the equality paradigm is prone to essentializing the identities it protects. Under an equality paradigm , if a women who wore a lot of makeup were protected by a court because makeup is an “essential” part of being a women, this could reinforce the stereotype that women wear makeup. But if the same women were given the liberty right to elaborate her own gender identity in ways that did not impinge on her job performance, she would be protected from demands to be either more “masculine” or more ” feminine.” The way that Yoshino is stating that the way that you can get a judged with the way that society is making you conform into certain things thus making it hard to be able to be a women and not wear makeup because the way that society judges women if they don’t. So the equality paradigm is  a better fit because then everyone can live in peace.

Kenji Yoshino Questions

A.)   “Covering has enjoyed such a robust and stubborn life because it is a form of assimilation.  At least since Hector St. John de Crevecoeur’s 1782 Letters from an American Farmer, this country has touted assimilation as the way Americans of different backgrounds would be “melted into a new race of men.” By the time Israel Zangwill’s play of that name was performed in 1908, the “melting pot” had acquired the burnish of an American ideal. Only with the civil rights movement of the 1960s was this ideal challenged in any systematic way, with calls to move “beyond the melting pot” and to “celebrate diversity.” Yoshino also says in paragraph 7 that “covering is a hidden assault on our civil rights.” When I think of covering I really think of a way to hide your true self and being distant from people or something.

B.)  ” Makes a distinction between a True Self and a False self that usefully to tracks the distinction between the uncovered and covered selves. The True self is the self that gives an individual the feeling of being real, which is “more existing; it is finding a way to exist as oneself, and to relate to objects as oneself, and to have a self into which to retreat for relaxation. “The True Self is associated with human spontaneity and authenticity: “Only the True Self can be creative and only the True self can feel real.” The False Self, in contrast, gives an individual a sense of being unreal, a sense of futility. It mediates the relationship between the True Self and the world.” One Positive thing about the False Self is that you can use it to hide your True self until you are ready to show your true self. The False self can protect the True self. 

Quote File

1. )  “Franklin Delano Roosevelt covered his disability by ensuring his wheelchair was always hidden behind a desk before his Cabinet entered.” paragraph 1

2.)  “Covering has enjoyed such a robust and stubborn life because it is a form of assimilation.  At least since Hector St. John de Crevecoeur’s 1782 Letters from an American Farmer, this country has touted assimilation as the way Americans of different backgrounds……..” Paragraph 5.

3.) ” Makes a distinction between a True Self and a False self that usefully tracks the distinction between the uncovered and covered selves. The True self is the self that gives an individual the feeling of being real….” paragraph 13

4.) “My gay self, , the True self, was hidden behind an ostensibly straight false self. Yet it would be wrong to cast the closest self purely inimical to the gay one. In my adolescence, this False Self protected the True Self until its survival was assured……” paragraph 16

1.) “(Here I follow Winnicott, who observes the True Self is not susceptible to specific definition, as its nature differs for each of us.) In talking about classic civil rights groups. I have focused on the demand to conform to the mainstream because I think that for most groups (except women) these are the demands….” paragraph 30

2.) ” In practice, I expect the liberty paradigm to protect the authentic self better than the equality paradigm. While it need not to do so, the equality paradigm is prone to essentializing the identities it protects. Under an equality paradigm , if a women who wore a lot of makeup were protected by a court because makeup is an “essential” part of being a women, this could reinforce the stereotype that women wear makeup……” paragraph 31

3.) The statutory language of the Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disability Act already protects racial minorities, religious minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities as groups against covering demands…” paragraph 32

4.) “Moreover, even if we shift the focus of civil rights law away from equality to liberty, identity politics will still be crucial. If it weren’t for the gay rights movement, or the disability rights movement, cases like Lawrence or Lane would never have made it to the Court…” Paragraph 33

Between the world and me.

1.) “Americans believe in the reality of “race” as a defined, indubitable feature of the natural world. Racism- the need to ascribe bone -deep features to people and then humiliate, reduce, and destroy them- inevitably follows from this inalterable condition…” pg 7

2.) “The new people are not original in this. Perhaps there has been, at some point in history, some great power whose elevation was exempt from the violent exploitation of other human bodies. If there has been, I have yet to discover it…” pg 8

3.) ” I have seen that dream all my life. It is perfect houses with nice lawns. It is Memorial Day cookouts, block associations, and driveways. The Dream is treehouses and the Club Scouts. The Dream smells like peppermint but tastes  like strawberry shortcake. And for so long I have wanted to escape into the Dream to fold my country over my head like a blanket….” pg 11

4.) “In accepting both the chaos of history and the fact of my total end, I was freed to truly consider how I wished to live- specifically how do I live free in this black body? It is profound question because America understands itself as God’s handiwork, but the black body is the clearest evidence that America is the work of men..” pg 12

1.) “To be black in the Baltimore of my youth was to be naked before the elements of the world, before all the guns, fists, knives, crack, rape, and disease. The nakedness is not an error, nor pathology. The nakedness is the correct and intended result of policy, the predictable upshot of people forced for centuries to live under fear. The law did not protect us…” pg 17

2.) “The boy with the small eyes reached into his ski jacket and pulled out a gun. I recall it in the slowest motion, as though in a dream. There the boy stood, with the gun brandished, which he slowly untucked, tucked, then untucked once more, and in his small eyes I saw a surging rage that could, in an instant, erase my body. That was 1986…” pg 19

3.) “Before I could discover, before I could escape, I had to survive, and this could only mean a clash with the streets, by which I mean not just physical blocks, nor simply the people packed into them, but the array of lethal puzzles and strange perils that seem to rise up form the asphalt itself…” pg 21

4.) “I memorized a list of prohibited blocks. I learned the smell and feel of fighting weather. And I learned that “shorty, can I see your bike?” was never a sincere question and “Yo, you was messing with my cousin” was neither an earnest accusation nor a misunderstanding of the facts. These were the summonses that you answered with your left foot forward, your right foot back, your hands guarding your face, one slightly lower than the other, cocked like a hammer…” pg 23

I Just wanna be average

1.) ” For my mother, life in America was not what the promoters had told her father it would be.  She grew up very poor. She slept with her parents and brothers and sisters in one room.  She had to quit school in the seventh grade to care for her sickly younger brothers….” pg. 11

2.) ” Let me tell you about our house. If you entered the front door and turned right you’d see a small living room with a couch along the east wall and one along the west wall- one couch was purple, the other tan, both bought used and both well worn. A television set was placed at the end of the purple couch, right at arm level….” pg13

3.) “Right to the north of us was a record shop, a barber shop presided over by old Mr. Graff, Walt’s Malts, a shoe repair shop with a big Cat’s paw decal in the window, a third barber shop, and a brake shop. It’s as I write this that I realize for the first time that three gray men could have had a go at your hair before you left our street…” pg 14

4.) ” But the anger and frustration of South Vermont could prove too strong for music’s illusion; then it was violence that provided deliverance of a different order. One night I watched as a guy sprinted from Walt’s to toss something on our lawn. The police were right behind, and a cop tackled him, smashing his face into the sidewalk…..” pg 17

1.) ” I became the hero of a thousand adventures, all with intricate plots and the triumph of good over evil, all many dimensions removed….” pg 21

2.) “Reading opened up the world. There I was, a skinny bookworm drawing the attention of street kids who, in any other circumstances, would have had me for breakfast….” pg 21

3.) ” Physical education was also pretty harsh. Our teacher was a stubby ex-lineman, who had played old-time pro ball in the Midwest. He routinely had us grabbing our ankles to receive his stinging paddle across our butts….” pg 25

4.) ” One day Billy lost it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him strike out with his right arm and catch Dweetz across the neck. Quick as a spasm, Dweetz was out of his seat, scattering desks, cracking Billy on the side of the head, right behind the eye…..” pg26

1.) “Students will float to the mark you set. I and the others in the vocational classes were bobbing in pretty shallow water. Vocational education has aimed at increasing the economic opportunities of students who do not do well in our school….” pg 26

2.) “When the teacher called on the restive Ken Harvey for an opinion. Ken thought about it, but just for a second, and said (with studied minimum effect), “I just wanna be average.” That woke me up. Average?! Who wants to be average? Then the athletes chimed in with the clinches that make you want to laryngectomize them, and the exchange became a platitudinous melee…” pg 28

3.) “At first, we couldn’t believe this guy, thought he slept in his car. But within no time, he had us so startled with work that we didn’t much worry about where he slept or if he slept at all. We wrote three or four essays a month. We read a book every two to three weeks, starting with the Iiad and ending up with Hemingway….” pg32

4.) “In my last semester of  high school, I elected a special English course fashioned by Mr. MacFarland, and it was through this elective that there arose at Mercy a fledgling literati. Art Mitz, the editor of the school newspaper and a very smart guy, was the kingpin. He was joined by me and by Mark Dever, a quiet boy who wrote beautifully and who would die before he was forty…” pg 35

The end of race

  1. “One can easily imagine the contrast: the European sailors- gaunt, dirty, many bearing the unmistakable signs of venereal disease- and the Polynesians, a people who abided by strict codes of personal hygiene, who washed every day and plucked the hair from their faces…..” Pg 50
  2.  ” To the genes of Captain Cook’s sailor’s and the native Polynesians has been added the DNA of European missionaries, Mexican cowboys, African American soldiers, and plantation workers from throughout Asia and Europe.…” Pg. 5
  3.  ” Almost half the people who live in Hawaii today are of “mixed” ancestry. What it means to be mixed is not at all obvious genetically, but for official purposes it means that a person’s ancestors fall into more than one of the four “racial” categories….” Paragraph 7or 8
  4.  ” Many of the harshest conflicts in the world today are between people who are physically indistinguishable. If someone took a roomful of Palestinians and Israelis from the Middle East, or of Serbs and Albanians from the Balkans….” paragraph 13
  5.   “Intermarriage may indicate tolerance,” says Jonathan Okamura, an anthropologist at the University of Hawaii, “but it doesn’t mean we have an egalitarian society on a larger scale.” Paragraph 48
  6. ” Despite the occasional cultural difficulties. Cann has continued her study of human genetics in Hawaii and has played an important role in piecing together the prehistory of the pacific.” paragraph 39
  7.  ” I get people coming up to me all the time and saying , ‘can you prove that I’m a Hawaiian?” She can’t, she said, at least not with a high degree of certainty.” paragraph 40
  8. ” They become a member of that group socially, yet their haplotypes and those of their descendants can differ from the group norm. Rape is another way in which the genetic variants of groups mix….” paragraph 46

The Invention of Race

  1.  ” that we’re a society made up of all the “races” and “ethnicities” on the planet… and that we have a painful history of discrimination and exploitation often tied to race…”
  2.  ” we start our journey into the invention of race by going back– well, not really to the beginning. Science now tells us that in the beginning of the human story … people evolved in Africa, from one common ancestor, a couple hundred thousand years ago….”
  3.  ” Herotodus traveled. We don’t know that he actually traveled to all the places that he talked about, but he did talk about what was then the known world, his world…”
  4.  ” slave trades are so much bigger than our idea of race. The Greeks … The Romans. The Chinese …. the West African kingdoms. They all practiced forms of slavery….”

Trumps Biggest Fans

  1.  ” Left and Right, have become subnations, as George Saunders recently wrote in The New Yorker, living like housemates “no longer on speaking terms” in a house set afire by Trump, gaping at one another “through the smoke”….
  2.  ” Louisiana is the country’s third-poorest state; 1 in 5 residents live in poverty. It ranks third in the proportion of residents who go hungry each year, and dead last in overall health…..”
  3.  ”  Right or left, I think . The deep story of the right goes like this: You are patiently standing in the middle of a long line stretching toward the horizon, where the American Dream awaits. But as you wait, you see people cutting in line ahead of you….” 
  4.  ” She was doing her level best but wondered why the travails of others so often took precedence over families such as her own. Affirmative Action blacks, immigrants, refugees seemed to so routinely receive sympathy and government help…..”